Tuesday, December 29, 2015


Published on Mar 5, 2014

Mengakui kekuatan karunia alam, Tiens pasta gigi herbal diproduksi dengan menggunakan ramuan Cina asli. pasta gigi yang diformulasikan khusus mengencangkan dan mengurangi pembengkakan gusi, mencegah dan menghentikan gusi berdarah, mengatasi sakit pada gigi, bau mulut, rongga, infeksi permukaan dan akar melalui fungsi pembersihan dan perlindungan. Khasiat dari Tiens Herbal Toothpaste:

1. Tiens pasta gigi herbal terbuat dari ramuan Cina langka seperti Nullipore, Bunga Honeysuckle, bunga krisan liar, Minyak pohon teh, dll yang telah terbukti memiliki efek yang penting pada kesehatan dan kebersihan mulut.
2. Pasta gigi yang telah didasarkan oleh resep di jaman kuno, terdokumentasi dengan formulasi herbal dan medis.
3. Kelebihan dari pasta gigi ini adalah bahwa bagian-bagian herbal sangat terkonsentrasi dan mudah larut dalam air liur.
4. Penuh rasa alami dan kesegaran herbal.
5. Tidak perlu menggunakan obat kumur ekstra.
6. Tidak mengandung bubuk kapur dan tanpa gelatin.
7. Memberikan perlindungan yang luar biasa terhadap gigi berlubang dan masalah gigi dan gusi lainnya.
Tiens Herbal Toothpaste dengan Sikat Gigi Tiens bermanfaat untuk: Buccal inflammation Swelling dan pain Gingival bleeding Halitosis dan gingival sensitivity Enamel white clean teeth Dental caries Plaque buildup and tartar Net Weight: 135 gm

BUY SELL STATION: skincare: Reseller & Dropship We open up cooperation opportunities for those who are interested to increase revenue by reselling our product....


Reseller & Dropship

We open up cooperation opportunities for those who are interested to increase revenue by reselling our product. The trick is as follows:

You will get a much cheaper price of course with a minimum order, so that you can sell in accordance with the market price.

 To dropship, you only need to promote without having to stock. Promote our products through FB, twitter, kaskus, etc. If you receive your order can be directly forwarded to us. We will send your customer orders by using the sender on your behalf.
Tabita Skin Care product business is very promising because a lot of interest in this product, increasingly growing demand, so you do not have to worry you'll lose business. Because Tabitha product you are selling is certain behavior, especially if there is no competitor in your city.

For the price we can give you the best price, we supplied directly (first hand) by the manufacturer, we can give you the best price. Booking a certain amount of price can be negotiated back so you really get the best price from us.