Sunday, July 10, 2016

Missing your ex?

Missing your ex? Find yourself tempted to call up your ex? You are not alone. Check out what CyberShrink has to say about this.

  You've spent your time in hibernation bingeing on chocolate and drowning yourself in drinks after your long-term relationship ended.

It’s never easy when a marriage or significant relationship ends. It’s normal to feel abandoned and to experience symptoms of grief after being dumped. Or even sometimes after you've dumped someone.

Do you trust your partner?

কারো কারো মতে স্পর্শহীন অনুভবই নাকি পৃথিবীর শ্রেষ্ঠ অনুভব আর অদেখা বিশ্বাসই হলো পৃথিবীর শ্রেষ্ঠ বিশ্বাস। যে বিশ্বাস, যে অনুভব তুমি তোমার অদেখা ঈশ্বরকে করো ঠিক সেই রকম পবিত্র অনুভব যদি কোনো মানুষের প্রতি চলে আসে, তবে বুঝে নিও ওটাই ভালোবাসা।
যাকে অনুভব করতে ছুঁয়ে দেখতে হবে না,যার উপস্থিতি টের পেতে চোখ মেলে তাকাতে হবে না, দুরত্বটা কয়েক হাজার কিলোমিটারের হলেও মন দুটো কখনোই আলাদা হবে না, যাকে তুমি চোখবন্ধ করে বিশ্বাস করো- বুঝে নিও সেই মানুষটাই পৃথিবীতে তোমার সবচেয়ে আপনজন, তাকেই তুমি সবচেয়ে বেশি ভালোবাসো!
হয়তো ঠিকই আছে।আসলে বিশ্বাস করে ঠাকাও যেমন কষ্টের, তেমনি কাউকে অবিশ্বাস করে পস্তানোও অনেক বেদনার।আর কারো বিশ্বাস ভঙ্গকরাতো সবচেয়ে ঘৃণিত।
তবে আমি জানতে চাচ্ছি পৃথিবীতে আপনি মানুষকে বিশ্বাস করে ঠকেছেন বেশি, নাকি কাউকে অবিশ্বাস করে অনুশোচনার অনলে দগ্ধ হয়েছেন বেশি?

Do you trust your partner? Is the virtual world making it way too easy for people to cheat? A blogger tackles the issue.

 Nvading the privacy of one's partner is a classic mistake that so many of us make at some point in our relationship.

Whether it's going through his browser in search of pornographic websites or having a quick scan through her cellphone for salacious texts from an unknown number, breaching the silent clause of confidentiality is never a good idea.

Even the most secure relationship is guilty of at least thinking it, regardless of cause or reason. Once that seed of suspicion and doubt has been firmly planted into our minds, there's no telling to what lengths we will go to prove ourselves wrong or, in some instances, right. 

Vaginal oestrogen may relieve painful intercourse.

Vaginal oestrogen may relieve painful intercourse. Vaginal oestrogen may help ease dryness and discomfort during intercourse for post-menopausal women who use hormonal replacement therapy and those who don't. 

Many women have been reluctant to use HRT to ease menopause symptoms since 2002, when the federally-funded Women's Health Initiative (WHI) study linked the treatments containing man-made versions of the female hormones oestrogen and progestin to an increased risk of breast cancer, heart attacks and strokes.


Kidney_Stone  বা কিডনি পাথর কি?

.   একটি বা উভয় কিডনিতে সৃষ্টি হওয়া ছোট ও শক্ত দানাদার পদার্থকে কিডনির পাথর বলে। বেশিরভাগ কিডনির পাথরে ক্যালসিয়াম অক্সালেট নামক উপাদান থাকে। এছাড়া অন্যান্য কয়েক ধরনের কিডনির পাথরে ইউরিক এসিড, স্ট্রুভাইট ও সিসটিন থাকে।এই পাথর কিডনি ও মূত্রাশয় সংযোগকারী নালীতে প্রবেশ করলে কিডনি থেকে মূত্রাশয়ে মূত্রের প্রবাহ বাধাগ্রস্থ হয়। এই বাধার কারণে প্রচন্ড ব্যাথার সৃষ্টি হয়। সাধারণত যে বিষয়গুলি কিডনিতে পাথর হওয়ার ঝুঁকি বৃদ্ধি করে সেগুলো হলো- শরীরের অতিরিক্ত ওজন, উচ্চ প্রোটিনযুক্ত খাদ্য গ্রহণ, গ্যাসট্রিক বাইপাস সার্জারি, পানিশূন্যতা এবং পানিতে সমস্যা ও বংশে কারো কিডনিতে পাথর হওয়া।  

Sawory 🍾 : এতে আছে ২৮+ বিশ্বমানের প্রাকৃতিক ফলের রস (Herbs) যাতে করে কিডনি পাথর এক নির্দিষ্ট আকৃতি তে বের হতে সহায়তা করে এবং মূত্রে ক্যালসিয়াম অক্সালেট ও ইউরিক এসিডের মতো কেলাস সৃষ্টিকারী (স্ফটিক) উপাদানের পরিমাণ কমিয়ে দেয় যার ফলে পাথর সৃস্টি হয়ার ঝুঁকি থাকেনা।

বায়ো স্প্রে প্লাস-এ

"আরজিনিন" নামক এক ধরনের এমাইনো এসিড রয়েছে,
যার কাজ হচ্ছে আমাদের শরীরের নিস্ক্রিয় কোষকে সক্রিয় করা।
যার ফলে বিটা সেল সক্রিয় হয়ে ইনসুলিন তইরি করে। আর ইন্সুলিন তৈরি হলে ডায়াবেটিস ১০০% নিয়ন্ত্রণে চলে আসবে।
ডায়াবেটিস ১০০% নিয়ন্ত্রণের জন্য Bio-technology আপডেট প্রযুক্তির "বায়ো স্প্রে প্লাস" Bio Spray Plus গ্রহণ করুন এবং সুস্থ থাকুন।
"বায়ো স্প্রে প্লাস" Bio Spray Plus একটি ডায়েটারি ফুড সাপ্লিমেন্ট যা ১০০% কার্যকরী।
এটি প্রতি মাসে একটি করে ৬ মাস খেতে হবে।

"বায়ো স্প্রে প্লাস" Bio Spray Plus গ্রহণের ফলে ডায়াবেটিস, হৃদরোগ, প্যারালাইসিস্, দৃষ্টিশক্তি, কোলেস্টেরল,ক্যানসার, উচ্চরক্তচাপ, কিডনি ও যৌন সমস্যা সহ আরও অন্যান্য রোগ ৬ মাসের মধ্যে নিয়ন্ত্রণ করবে।
বিস্তারিত জানতে যোগাযোগ করুন:
যোগাযোগ:- 01705806296
price- 7000tk

Potential amalgamation between Bonitas medical fund and Liberty medical schemen.

Potential amalgamation between Bonitas medical fund and Liberty medical schemen. Two of South Africa’s most prominent medical schemes, Bonitas Medical Fund (‘Bonitas’) and Liberty Medical Scheme (‘LMS’), are in discussions to amalgamate to create an even stronger and more sustainable medical scheme.

With combined experience spanning over 50 years, the new amalgamated scheme will have an intricate understanding of the needs of the consumer in the complex healthcare market together with underlying financial resources to offer more cost effective options to its members without compromising member well-being.
Sufficient motivation
Andrew Edwards, Executive Principal Officer for LMS says, “While negotiations are at an advanced stage, member consultation is imperative and various regulatory processes still need to be satisfied for the transaction to be concluded.” Dr Bobby Ramasia, Principal Executive Officer for Bonitas agreed. “We will liaise with the Council for Medical Schemes (CMS) to ensure that due process is followed and all necessary regulatory approvals are obtained.”
The LMS and Bonitas Boards of Trustees commissioned preliminary investigations into a possible amalgamation between the two schemes. The positive outcomes of the initial feasibility studies provided sufficient motivation for both Boards to explore an amalgamation process.

Some of SA’s cheapest hospital plans.

Some of SA’s cheapest hospital plans. Money’s tight for everyone. Need to buy down to a hospital plan? Here’s more about some of the low-cost options in SA.

doesn’t come cheap and consequently many consumers are wondering about hospital plans, what they cover and what the cheapest ones are.The medical scheme industry is full of jargon and benefit structures that often leave the man on the street confused and frustrated when it comes to understanding and accessing their benefits.
A hospital plan is offered by a registered medical scheme and should not be confused with hospital insurance or hospital cash-back plans. Medical schemes are regulated by the Medical Schemes Act, while the others fall under the umbrella of insurance products. A hospital plan has to pay for 270 Prescribed Minimum Benefits when treated in a hospital and for the treatment of 26 chronic conditions.
Where the difference comes in is that a hospital plan will pay up to a certain limit for the procedures and treatment that you receive in a hospital, whereas hospital cash-back plans tend to pay for the time you spend in hospital.
Things to keep in mind:-
- Many hospital plans specify that there is no annual limit to the hospital care you may receive, but all high-cost cases are nevertheless carefully monitored by schemes in order to protect the interests of other members.

- Closed schemes are usually just for employees of a particular company, whereas anyone can join an open scheme. The schemes listed below are all open schemes, not listed in any particular order. For more on benefit information, click on the links of the various websites.

We spoke to Discovery Vitality's CEO about recent changes to rewards

We spoke to Discovery Vitality's CEO about recent changes to rewards  Dr Shrey Viranna told us about fitness tracking apps that will be delisted, and just how high different users will have to get their heart rates to earn points.

To keep track of their fitness goals and to get more rewards, like a discount on Apple Watch payments, many Discovery users utilise fitness tracking apps, but the Health Insurance Company has now made changes to which apps you can use to do so.
They have also increased heart rate percentages, so you will have to sweat a bit more to get those points. 
We spoke to Discovery Vitality CEO, Dr Shrey Viranna, about the when, how and why of it all: 
  Health 24:
  Why has Discovery delisted adidas miCoach, Moves, RunKeeper, Strava, MapMyFitness and Timex? 
Shrey Viranna: 
They have not been delisted yet but we sent out a newsletter to members to let them now that they will be on 2 April 2016. They have been delisted because they allow third party data integration without independent validation. 
Health 24:
Can you confirm if there is any truth to claims that users were giving falsified data? If so, how was this done? And will they be penalised?  
Shrey Viranna:
 Ah well we definitely have seen it in some of our data sets, and we picked it up in other forms like social media that people are doing that. It’s quite broad, and I don’t think that there’s a specific example… 

We have definitely picked up on data anomalies … speed duration that don't match with a runner or cyclist (or) like step counters for two people in the family with identical data or people will report data for two races that start at the same time on the same day in two different provinces.

Why medical aid costs are soaring in SA.

Why medical aid costs are soaring in SA. Hospitals and specialists are ‘overgrazing’ medical aid members because there is a lack of regulatory controls, says the Board of Healthcare Funders.

Private hospital and specialists’ fees need to be regulated to contain costs for medical scheme members, according to the Board of Healthcare Funders (BHF).
These fees take the “lion’s share” of members’ contributions, BHF Executive Director Dr Humphrey Zokufa told the Competition Commission’s market inquiry into private healthcare in Cape Town on Tuesday.
 “We are overgrazing the 8.8 million lives on medical schemes, who face increased contributions and shrinking benefits, while medical schemes face deficits,” said Zokufa, who laid the blame for increased costs on the fact that there is “no regulatory forum that controls what hospitals and specialists do”.
The Competition Commission set aside annual tariff negotiations in 2003, deeming it to be anti-competitive behaviour.
The BHF’s Dr Rajesh Patel said 72 percent of births in the private sector were Caesareans, while a rate of 35 percent might be acceptable.“These Caesareans are not clinically indicated but done for convenience, and ensured an extra half a billion rand was paid to hospitals,” said Patel.

10 tips on reading your medical scheme’s benefit schedule.

10 tips on reading your medical scheme’s benefit schedule. The devil is indeed in the detail when it comes to understanding your scheme’s benefit brochure.

There are some basic things you need to know about your medical scheme. These include network hospitals, the medical scheme rate, and cancer treatment offered on your option before you might suddenly be confronted with huge co-payments.
Here are a few things you need to look out for:
Fund rate.
 Many new members look at the benefit schedule and see that a fund pays 100% of the fund rate for hospital procedures. They then assume that they are fully covered for whatever happens in a hospital. Not so. The Fund rate is an industry rate which has been negotiated between funds and the service provider (hospital, doctors and so forth).
The actual rate might be much higher, and often is especially when it comes to private doctors and hospitals not part of the preferred network or one of the designated service providers. Some schemes pay 200% of the fund rate, but the contributions will be higher.
You need to get authorisation from your fund before you are admitted to hospital for any procedure. Find out about how to do this. If it is an emergency, the hospital or a relative must contact the fund as soon as possible, otherwise you might have to foot the bill yourself.

 If a principal member has dependants, they are all beneficiaries. Sometimes there are sub-limits in the benefit schedule per beneficiary and sometimes per family, which is the principal member and all his/her dependants together. So in the case of the latter, if one member has exhausted the total dental benefit for the family for the year, the others will have to pay cash until the benefits kick in again in the new benefit year.

many of us don't get enough of this vitamin.

The miracle of vitamin D. Fascinating research shows that vitamin D not only makes our bones healthy, but also protects against heart disease and cancer. And many of us don't get enough of this vitamin.

Nutrition research never fails to amaze and delight me. Over the many years (and believe me it's been a long time!) that I've worked in the field of nutrition and dietetics, researchers are constantly coming up with new and exciting information about nutrients and foods that are generally regarded as ‘old hat’.
The idea that we know everything about nutrients and food has been proved wrong over and over again. Vitamin D is such a nutrient. Until quite recently it was generally regarded as mainly important for bone health and growth and the recommended daily allowance (RDA) was specified as 5 microgram per day (or 200 IU/day). It seemed that we knew all there is to know about vitamin D.
But one can never become complacent in this field. Lately researchers have been concentrating their efforts on this vitamin and have come up with a number of startling new findings. 

Brain tumours more common in better educated, wealthier people.

Brain tumours more common in better educated, wealthier people. A Swedish study reveals that people with higher education or better jobs are more likely to be found with one of three types of brain tumour.

People who have a college education, a professional career or a big paycheck may be more likely to be diagnosed with a brain tumour than people who are less well-off or not as educated, a new study reports.
Ensuring timely medical access
Medical data for more than 4.3 million residents of Sweden revealed that people with higher education or better jobs were more likely to be found with one of three types of brain tumour – glioma, meningioma or acoustic neuroma.
However, this doesn't necessarily mean that achievement in life increases the risk of brain tumours, said lead researcher Amal Khanolkar, a research associate with University College London's Institute of Child Health.People with money or a better education might be better able to notice something's wrong with their health.
"People with higher education are perhaps more likely to detect symptoms and seek medical care earlier on," Khanolkar said. These groups might also be more apt to have complete health data recorded in national cancer registries, such as the one used in this study, he said.
The study also found that single men are more likely to be diagnosed with brain tumours. "Spouses might notice symptoms in their partners, ensuing timely medical access," he said.

The most common male cancers.

The most common male cancers. Detecting cancer early can save your life. Know the facts about each of the most common male cancers.

Cencer has a number of platforms to drive awareness these days.Many organisations, worldwide, have made it their business to educate the public, while entire months have been dedicated to highlighting information about the various types of cancer.These are some of the most common types of male cancers.
Testicular cancer
If the cancer starts in the testicles, it would be called testicular cancer. As for how it develops, it would be useful to begin by talking about what testicles do. That is, they make male hormones such as testosterone. They also make sperm. 
Upwards of 90% of testicular cancers grow in special cells called germ cells. They’re the cells that produce sperm. There are two main types of germ cell tumours in men.
The first type, called seminomas, can take two forms. More than 95% of them are called classical seminomas, and they tend to occur in men between the ages of 25 and 45. Spermatocylic seminomas are rarer, develop more slowly, and tend to occur in men who are around 65

Home testing for cancer and heart disease soon?

Home testing for cancer and heart disease soon?In the era of home pregnancy tests, the obvious question is why easy-to-use self-tests have not yet been developed for life-threatening diseases.

We all grew up with the idea that if a woman suspects she is pregnant she can simply pop into a pharmacy and buy a pregnancy test to use at home. 
Huge impact
Conversely, if someone suspects they are suffering from cancer, heart disease, or an infection their first instinct is to contact a GP or call an ambulance. So the obvious question is why easy-to-use self-tests have not yet been developed for life-threatening diseases.
The answer is straightforward for a scientist: it has to do with the level of the biomarker – in this case, the proteins produced by the cells in the body that are specific to the particular condition – that must be measured. Not only that but one has to measure the complexity of the biological sample – the blood or serum in the case of biomarkers. The impact of those two aspects is huge, as revealed by the very limited technological alternatives to "dipstick" tests currently available to the global healthcare market.
The “pregnancy test” is actually a great example of a dipstick test capable of detecting the presence of a pregnancy hormone called human chronic gonadotrophin (hCG) in urine, which is produced by the body after conceiving. The test uses similar chemistry to the one involved in measuring many other protein biomarkers from blood – but the measurement of protein biomarkers remains limited to bulky clinical pathology labs and companies are still struggling to miniaturise this sophisticated lab equipment.

Home HIV testing gets the green light

Home HIV testing gets the green light. After years of debate about the merits of home HIV testing, a ban has been lifted on pharmacist sales of do-it-yourself HIV tests.

harmacists can sell take-home HIV testing kits, according to Pharmacy Council of South Africa Registrar and CEO Amos Masango.
According to Masango, a May 2015 decision by the council effectively quietly removed the ban on pharmacist sales of HIV self-testing kits. The decision comes almost one year after the council gazetted a draft plan to remove the ban. The proposed lifting of the ban was warmly received publicly, according to Masango.

Over a year of deliberations

"Most pharmacists and the public felt that a pharmacist was better placed to deal with the sale of such tests given the sensitivity and the professionalism required in dealing with the condition," said Masango, who explained that after more than a year of deliberation, the council has now green-lighted the sale of do-it-yourself tests.
"The council in October 2014 had decided not to publish the minimum standard for implementation until such time that a standard for selling of HIV tests kits had been designed," he added. "In May 2015, the council finally resolved that the minimum standards – which effectively removed the ban for pharmacists to sell the HIV test kits that were approved in October 2014 – were sufficient and that there was no requirement to formulate further standards for selling HIV test kits.