Sunday, July 10, 2016

Missing your ex?

Missing your ex? Find yourself tempted to call up your ex? You are not alone. Check out what CyberShrink has to say about this.

  You've spent your time in hibernation bingeing on chocolate and drowning yourself in drinks after your long-term relationship ended.

It’s never easy when a marriage or significant relationship ends. It’s normal to feel abandoned and to experience symptoms of grief after being dumped. Or even sometimes after you've dumped someone.

Breakups involve feelings of loss and humiliation and if not dealt with correctly a breakup can trigger depression, a Virginia Commonwealth University study has found.

A Health24 user admits to being stuck on her ex, she writes:

I made a mistake. Cheated on my fiance - he was a very good guy and loved me very much but I was young and made a silly mistake, I had a fling with some guy.

He was really hurt and we called off the engagement and ended the relationship. We have been apart for a few years now and I can't seem to emotionally connect with any of the men I meet.

I would like to rekindle contact with him, perhaps re-build a friendship - if that's not too far-fetched.

Health24's CyberShrink says it’s best not to linger on the past and try to move on with your life after a relationship ends.

"It would worsen the damage to suddenly pop up years later and try to start the relationship up again," he advises.

He suggests that she see a counsellor to stop fantasising about how good things could be between them.

Breakups can be sad but it doesn’t have to prevent you from moving forward. It is an opportunity to start a fresh start wiser and more experienced.

Are you in a similar situation, or do you have advice for this user? Offer your comments. Post a question to CyberShrink.

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